Main office: 225 N. Lake George Rd., Attica, MI 48412

Pontiac office /Yard: S. Boulevard E., Pontiac, MI 48341



Wednesday, March 11, 2015


It’s late winter, the ground is frozen, and it #$%& COLD! The deep snow doesn’t help things either when it comes to finding a food source. That’s when we take to the trees and start stripping. That’s right we strip off as much as we need to get to get the job done. We don’t usually take it all off just enough here and there to fill our everyday needs.

So, if you’re interested in seeing this late winter festivity, all you’ve got to do is come over to our neighborhood forest and look up. There we’ll be, doing our thing, stripping in the trees.

Now, of course, you really didn’t think you would see someone actually stripping, did you? What you will see is something being stripped. That’s right; the trees are being stripped of their bark for the nutrients found under it. This is where the trees grow from and the inner bark contains nutrients that can sustain us for the rest of the winter - or at least until people start filling their bird feeders again.

Yours truly,
Mr. Squirrel

                    Squirrels have caused substiantial damage to this sugar maple tree.

                     Squirrel chewing is going to cause many of these sugar maple branches to die.